Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Blue Angels

 Imagine a world where miracles happen every day. It is happening here and now, and I am so happy to spread the 'good news'. Since we moved to Willamette Valley 2 years ago I have been thinking all the time about native species and wondering about conservation. I was even more surprised to learn that prisons are involved in the program, and not surprised that tribes are spearheading these efforts. The success of these efforts builds momentum for more miracles. 


Saturday, September 10, 2022

New species

 I recently read a book about new species being found on earth. Around 18,000 new species are found every year around the world. And here's a great article.


Direct Action Everywhere


I've always been put off from finding out about the abuses of factory farming and other animal abuse industries, because of the terrible suffering and feeling of being powerless to stop it. Then I learned about Direct Action Everywhere. They are positive. They are encouraging. They are provoking a change. What prompted me to find out more was the actions of pink smoke bombers at the 2022 NFL football game.  People may laugh it off, but they did get the viewer's attention. I'm not put off anymore, now I'm hopeful.
